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[Podcast] Convince Me in 15 Minutes... That Uranium is in a Bull Market.

Written by Goehring & Rozencwajg Team | March 7, 2024

Challenge Accepted:  Convince Me in 15 Minutes That Uranium is in a Bull Market.

Joining the engaging podcast, Convince Me in 15 Minutes, Adam Rozencwajg makes a compelling argument for the promising investment potential of uranium based on current supply-demand dynamics. Delving into the historical context of uranium stockpiles, he sheds light on the unprecedented supply shortage that sets the stage for a bullish market.

Convince Me in 15 Minutes is a podcast that delves into the intricate concepts, theories, and philosophies of finance, investing, and wealth management within a concise 15-minute timeframe (with room for insightful questions from hosts Keith Thompson and Luke Theeuwes).

Don't miss out on this enlightening interview – tune in to gain valuable insights.

Interview was released on February 28, 2024.

[01:54] Historically, there has been a uranium surplus, but recent shifts in supply-demand dynamics have led to a deficit, driving prices upward.

[04:28] Government stockpiles of uranium were depleted by the mid-2000s, causing a significant price increase from $9 to $150, only to fall again after Fukushima.

[05:22] The current uranium market faces a primary deficit, with reactor demand exceeding mine supply and commercial stockpiles exhausted.

[06:18] Nuclear fuel demand is inelastic, meaning buyers are willing to pay high prices to keep reactors running, ensuring continued demand.

[10:52] China and India are leading new reactor construction, while Western countries extend the lifespan of existing reactors, increasing uranium demand.

[12:29] Small modular reactors (SMRs) represent future demand potential, with designs aiming for cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency.

[19:33]  Currently, primary uranium production is dominated by a few major players like Cameco and Kazatomprom, while the US is gradually reentering the market with existing operations.

[20:15] Despite the expected production from existing facilities in 2024, it won't significantly impact the uranium market due to insufficient economic viability.

[20:58] Kazakhstan's unexpected announcement of reduced production contradicts previous claims, leading to a spike in uranium prices, highlighting market volatility

[22:23] New Canadian mines like NextGen's Arrow Project and Dennison's Wheeler River Project will contribute to uranium supply, but they won't be operational before 2028-2030.

[23:20] The speaker's portfolio is 25% invested in uranium stocks, including Kazatomprom, Cameco, NextGen, and Dennison, emphasizing confidence in the uranium sector.

[24:18]: Cameco's decision to shut down mines to purchase cheaper spot material showcased a savvy financial move during a period of low uranium prices.

[25:56]  Limited availability of uranium spot material indicates a tighter market, with significant pressure on Chinese buyers to secure fuel material for reactors.

[27:47]  Uranium market dynamics have shifted from surplus to deficit, with declining inventories leading to price reactions, marking a unique phase in the market cycle.

[29:39]  The speaker advises considering commodities like uranium as long-term diversifiers, emphasizing their cyclical nature and the importance of timing in investment decisions.

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