G&R Blog

[Podcast] MacroVoices: A discussion around Energy, Gold, Copper and Uranium

Written by Goehring & Rozencwajg Team | April 14, 2023

Adam Rozencwajg, CFA, Managing Partner at Goehring & Rozencwajg, recently joined MacroVoices host Erik Townsend to discuss the energy, gold, copper, and uranium markets.  

This recent discussion (recorded on April 6, 2023) is a follow-up to a prior interview that took place in July 2022. At that time, both Erik and Adam were in strong agreement that they both thought there would eventually be a very significant increase in energy prices due to a lack of supply because of insufficient investment. 

So what has happened since that time? Has their outlook changed? Is the hypothesis different now?

We invite you to listen to this informative discussion. 



Interested in learning more on this topic? Download our Q4 2022 Research: The End of Abundant Energy: Shale Production and Hubbert's Peak, available below.