G&R Blog

[Podcast] The Real Reason Behind the Current Energy Crisis ft. Adam Rozencwajg

Written by Goehring & Rozencwajg Team | September 30, 2022

“We have an energy crisis, we don’t have enough energy today. And yet people are saying that the answer is that we have to get away from oil and gas and invest more in renewables. It will only make this problem worse.

This is not a carbon issue, this is not a global warming issue. For the time being we need efficient sources of energy to get us over this hump and then we can debate the rest later," says Adam Rozencwajg, CFA, Managing Partner at Goehring & Rozencwajg - Natural Resource Investors.

This is an interesting time to be involved in the financial and commodity markets. We invite you to listen to this informative conversation with Cem Karson, Niels Kaastrup-Larsen (hosts of Top Traders Unplugged) and Adam Rozencwajg, as they discuss what they believe to be the real reason behind the current energy crisis.



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