Goehring & Rozencwajg Team
"Wouldn't a recession and continued economic weakness reduce energy demand and thus be bearish for oil and gas prices?" This is a common question that frequently arises during discussions on the ...
The Permian shale oil basin is very close to peaking out. When it does, everything changes for the US and the world. "Everyone thought 2019 was the all-time high for Energy and Oil demand and that...
The article below is an excerpt from our Q3 2023 commentary. Real interest rates and gold have always moved in opposite directions. When real interest rates rise, gold falls, and when real rates...
Looking at the next 50 years, is the threat of Peak Cheap Oil fact or overblown fear? A month has passed since energy analyst Doomberg released his controversial report titled "Peak Cheap Oil Is A...
The article below is an excerpt from our Q3 2023 commentary. North American natural gas is the cheapest energy molecule on the planet by as much as 75%. Over the next twelve months, we believe this...
The article below is an excerpt from our Q3 2023 commentary. In 2018, uranium assets were widely considered to be stranded assets. Following the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami, utilities...
As Natural Resource Investors, we aim to keep investors informed of what is happening in the commodities and natural resources sectors so that you can make informed investment decisions. In 2023, a...
The article below is an excerpt from our Q3 2023 commentary. In late 2021, we made a bold and deeply contrarian call: we predicted massive capital flows into renewable energy could potentially...
The article below is an excerpt from our Q3 2023 commentary. “It is a confusion of ideas to suppose that the economical use of fuel is equivalent to diminished consumption. The very contrary is the...
Adam Rozencwajg, CFA, Managing Partner at Goehring & Rozencwajg, joined "Money Life with Chuck Jaffee" to discuss investing in natural resources and commodities in today's market. We invite you to...