The Archives from Real Vision recently re-released this classic interview from 2018 featuring Leigh Goehring and legendary financial writer Jim Grant. Their conversation revolves around the turning...
With gold prices rallying, is it still a good investment? Should you invest in the physical commodities or in the equities of gold-producing companies? What characteristics do a strong mining company...
“Even adjusting the Fed’s balance sheet for excess reserves (a debate in and of itself), we believe today’s balance sheet justifies a gold price in excess of $15,000 per ounce on the low side or...
“A Trend Will Continue Until It Can No Longer.” This saying ultimately has two related meanings. First, a trend may persist far longer than reason or logic would dictate. Second, the trend will...
Gold prices recently rose to more than $1,400 per ounce. Is this a fluke or could prices actually rally to over $10,000? In this ten-minute video, our very own Leigh Goehring discusses the factors...
As our readers know, we believe a huge bull market in precious metals sits directly in front of us. For proof, we look no further than the April 22, 2019 Bloomberg Businessweek cover. Nearly 40 years...
On Tuesday, April 30th, 2019, our very own Leigh Goehring was featured on the popular Money Life podcast, hosted by Chuck Jaffe. In Leigh’s 12-minute segment, he makes the case that the commodities...
In previous quarterly letters, including Q3 2018 (Into The “Red Zone” We Go), we stated our belief that a huge new bull market would develop in gold that could take the metal to levels significantly...
We believe gold today is undervalued and that a huge gold bull market could lie in front of us.
What makes us so bullish, especially when everyone else is so bearish?Often in severe bear markets, obvious bullish data points sit right in front of us and yet no one seems to notice. Our current ...