Despite 2019’s rally in oil prices, investors remain bearish towards oil-related equities. While Brent and WTI prices rallied between 25 and 30% from their Christmas Eve-lows, oil-related stocks...
“We have seen an extraordinary increase in global energy demand in 2018, growing at its fastest pace this decade.” Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) ...
Tempted to invest in natural resource private deals? The past 18 months has seen one of the more curious divergences we have ever seen: natural resource public equity has seen large liquidations...
On Tuesday, April 30th, 2019, our very own Leigh Goehring was featured on the popular Money Life podcast, hosted by Chuck Jaffe. In Leigh’s 12-minute segment, he makes the case that the commodities...
Advisors often expect “traditional” allocations, such as large cap equities or U.S. fixed income, to provide a fair amount of exposure to commodities. For example, a small cap equity manager may have...
While many investors we speak with have dedicated allocations to natural resources, others believe the cyclicality of the asset class warrants a market timing approach. One opinion we’ve heard from...
In the second edition of our “Yellow vests and electrical vehicles” theme (you can read the first edition here), we dive back into how the inferior energetics of electric vehicles (EVs) are leading...
“There has never been an instance in the history of civilization where a new technology with inferior “energetics” has replaced an older technology with superior “energetics.” While in southern...
In January, Saudi Aramco announced they had completed a new analysis of the size of their oil reserves. This new report is significant because true size of the Saudi reserves has been a very hot...
"If we are correct, this would take OECD Inventory levels to 4.2 bn bbl by the end of 2019 or 90 mm bbl below the ten-year average level – a record deficit.” Data around drilling productivity in...